Capitals Announce Partnership with Bedeque Farms & Albert E Waugh & Sons
The Summerside D. Alex MacDonald Ford Western Capitals are excited to announce a partnership with Bedeque Farms and Albert E. Waugh & Sons.
The partnership includes season tickets for all Bedeque minor hockey players, purchased by Bedeque Farms and Albert E. Waugh & Sons.
Featured in the photo:
Left to Right front Ryan Toombs, Cameron Toombs, Cameron Waugh
Back Row Left to Right: Josh MacDonald (Capital) Andy Toombs (Bedeque Farms) and Peter Waugh (Albert E. Waugh & Sons) Brodie MacArthur (Capital)
Please note for this Saturdays game, all Bedeque Minor Hockey Players can pick up a game ticket at the Spud booth between 6-7pm.